So my wife had been diagnosed with MS at the age of thirty a

So my wife had been diagnosed with MS at the age of thirty and when 40 hit it was two yrs of battling stage 4 cancer...really leaves a person exhausted especially when she is so stubborn to admit she is not the same anymore mentally with going through chemo and radiation besides the surgery...if only others could see it because it helps no one when they complain to her about me....especially since it hurts our relationship and 99% of it could be eliminated if they talked to me....

Big cyber HUG!!!! My heart goes out to you & especially your wife.

1 Heart

@April thanks so very much… it changes life completely whether anyone else notices it or not…you continually have to remind yourself of the fact they are still the same person and it is not their fault…
but it does not make it easier to deal with the rest of the world especially if they are blind to things that cannot be seen…