St John's Wort - day 2

Today is my 2nd day of taking St. John's Wort. I would say yesterday was an improvement, even though it did not end so well. But that's ok. I must be patient. I must not give up. Hopefully today will be even better. But even if it isn't that's ok. I know there are alot of circumstances that can affect how i feel. Sometimes you just have a bad day, and there's nothing you can do about it. I have to work today. I really don't want too because I'm still sick. But I will fight through this day. Giving up is just not in me. : )

Day 3...Well yesterday was better even though i had a pretty crappy day at work. I was still able to come home and get things done, and not just lay around feeling sorry for myself. Today is going ok. I was woken up by my wife who was yelling at me about something. But instead of yelling back at her i asked her if she wanted to go somewhere and talk. So we went and had donuts and talked for about an hour. She got alot of things off her chest. I think she just needed to vent. Well ive got chores to do. I will talk to yall later. Love, Jay

Good job w/your wife & how considerate of you, keep it up.

Hows the St. johns wort workin? I understand anything takes time though.