I am stilling hanging in there, as most of you suggested that I do.
Someone suggested I talk to my brother to see what he expects from me if I move in. He is not easy to talk to since he is military. Neatness is one thing he expects. That isn't a problem. But he has child support payments of his own. I don't think he would want to be saddled with me. He just moved to downsize in a house that was too big. He has girlfriends over sometimes. I know that would be awkward.
But thank you for your encouragement.
I had recently been retrained to be an Activities Director. Ironic, but when I was in the college classes for training, there was work galore. I felt hopeful. Now there is nothing. Someone else wrote me from here, privately, and made a really good suggestion that I could get a list of Senior Centers and just send them cover letters and resume when they express interest over the phone. I am going to follow up on this suggestion, definitely.
I already have a B.A. degree, that is why I am so depressed. One thing about our economy, it will either bring out the worst in people or the best of people in those that are doing the hiring. I have interviewed for food service and did not make the cut even though I do have experience. What is very hard for me, is that I must have 8 different resumes to submit, and I have learned that sometimes if they see my degree or training, which they ask for, if I tell them the truth, they hold this against me. Experience and education is held against a person? This is very upside down thinking. I am going to rewrite my resumes (all different levels for different jobs) and just lie, lie, lie, and put that I have GED or something.
One interviewer for Race Track got very nosey and asked me if I was receiving assistance from my ex husband. (He knew because I explained that I had mostly worked for my husband when we were married, and now, non-married). I think he excluded me from serious consideration because
I was receiving some kind of help, therefore I must not need to work badly enough.
Keep the faith.