Over the past couple of weeks all of the signs and symptoms were there; I was completely over-doing it. It wasn't necessarily my workload, but the overall stress and anxiety that I couldn't get a hold of that got the better of me. I started getting severe dizzy spells, panic attacks where I couldn't catch my breath, and so on. I completely depleted my health to the point that I could barely function. Over the past few days I have really been focusing on bringing my stress and anxiety levels down by taking numerous breaks throughout the day, taking long walks while listening to music, watching happy/silly shows on tv. All of this really brought me back to my center and I am starting to feel like myself again. All of this is my fault, because I allowed stress and anxiety to overtake me and I didn't control it properly at the time.
Don't allow stress and anxiety to get the better of you. I've seen the harsh health effects time and time again. I'm lucky to come out of them, but if I don't take care of controlling it better I may not be so lucky next time.
Hey sweetie,
i am glad you are feeling better now, but try not to be so hard on yourself. I think you should really analyse what happened and where you started handing more of yourself over than you could handle. Because really hun, this can all be unlearned behaviour. You just need to figure what is going on?
Is it guilt? Worry? Stress? All of them? That if you don't get this and that done the guilt will eat you alive? Because this is all about saying NO to the guilt and yes to yourself...and believe me hun once you start saying yes to yourself, all of a sudden you're happier and more relaxed in everything...and that is your key to health.
That is absolutely brilliant insight Moongal, thank you so much for that. I really do take on way to much and put so much pressure on myself, it's pretty ridiculous. And now my body's paying the price. I went to see a specialist chiropractor today who released a lot of pressure and I will continue to see him for a few more sessions until all of the pressure is completely released and relieved. As well, I am working on myself and trying to get the pressure off of myself.
Thank you again so much for caring and all of your wonderful insight. You are the best!