Not sure if this is the right place for this, but maybe it will reach the right person.
I’m being stalked, harassed and blackmailed. Ii’s been going on for over a year. I don’t know who this person is, but they are persistent. They keep finding my anon accounts on social media and messaging me with blackmail threats. They are posting my legal name all over Reddit, trying to smear my name and photos all over the internet. They have some naked photos of me from over 5 years ago. I don’t know who this person is.
They sent the photos to my brother on Instagram last week. As you can imagine, this situation has been overwhelming, scary, depressing, all the things. For someone with pre-existing trauma and severe anxiety, this has only made things much worse for me.
I finally made a police report online with my local authorities. I’m hoping this will help but I’m so scared that it won’t. I don’t even know what I’m posting this for. Just to get this off my chest I guess. It’s holding such a heavy burden over me. I cry everyday, all the time. I’m on edge. I’m sad, I’m scared and angry. I don’t know why this is happening or who is doing this. Does anyone have a similar experience and/or advice? Anything is appreciated. Thank you.
2 Hearts
This sounds terrifying. I haven’t had this experience and unfortunately have no advice. It sounds like you’re doing what you can to stop this harassment. I hope it stops.
1 Heart
More than likely, it’s someone you know or someone around you that you’re not aware of. They did a deep dive to find out whatever information they could have and utilize it to blackmail you. These individuals usually get a thrill out of the game of watching you mentally lose yourself more than actually following through with the blackmail threat. Start paying attention to people around you and their habits, you usually always remember something that will help give you an idea of who you’re dealing with. God bless and pray!
1 Heart
Thank you so much. I am so grateful for your kind words. The crazy thing is I have a VERY small circle. Small as in my partner and that’s it! I have no idea who this could be. It’s absolutely terrifying. Yes, praying it stops!
Thank you so much. I hope so too. .
You would be surprised WHO is keeping tabs on you, with social media and the internet it just makes it way easier for ANYONE to have access to someone now. And the fact they included a family member means they could have possibly utilized a search engine to look up your information and of course most engines include “close relatives” and some of their public information. Its actualy really creepy but exists, I’ve seen it before and was blown away at the information that popped up from a basic search that someone can pay for.
Sending Prayers.
1 Heart
I appreciate the insight so much. This is terrifying. It’s hard to believe how shitty people can be. I know I’m not a perfect human, but I certainly didn’t do anything to deserve this.
Thank you for the prayers. It means a ton.
1 Heart
I’m sorry that this is happening to you! I am so very happy you filed a police report. That is in effect “taking your power back”. Powerful.
Something similar to this happened to me, years ago. ( not similar in situation but similar to how you are feeling ). I had moved into a very nice apartment complex on the ground level. One day I walked into my bedroom and looked out the window and across from the driveway standing next to the dumpster, was this guy just standing there looking in my window. I was surprised I couldn’t quite figure out if he was looking in my window as he was walking by or standing there looking in my window. I rushed over and shut the blinds. then I walked away. Thought about it went back open the blinds and there he was. I was really upset! At first I doubted myself thought I had imagined it. The next few days. I kept seeing around my front door. I got more and more afraid and it started to paralyze me. I was staying in the house with all the blinds drawn, terrified to go outside. I finally shared it with a support group I was going to and a gentleman told me hey you’re not a victim, this is what I want you to do. He told me to get a camera open up my blinds and the next time the guy was standing there take a picture of him. I wasn’t sure if I could do that I was too afraid. But I certainly could not go on feeling like a victim so I did what he said. I got a camera, I think it was a Polaroid, and one day, I decided to be brave, take my power back walked over to the blinds and I opened them up. He was about a foot away from my window. His face was right there. We were staring face-to-face and I took his picture then I ran outside to get another picture. There was no stopping me now he went and he took off around the corner, he was running. I started to run after him and I got to the back of the complex and he jumped in a car I took a picture of the car and the license plate. I called the Police and they found him. I Identified him in a photo lineup. He had just moved here from Arizona was a married man with wife and kids and had a history of voyeurism. The police found him to him and I was willing to go to court. It was over. I felt so empowered. I decided I would never let someone make me feel that way and I haven’t.
The next thing I wanna tell you , is a story, not to make light of what you’re going through, but I just want to get you to see a differently. I want to shift your perspective. Ok?
I remember many years ago hearing about Kim Kardashian. I never heard of her before and first time I heard of her it was because her boyfriend posted nude photographs of her online. She decided to use that as a catapult instead of a horrific, embarrassing, “never come back from” incident. That is how she first became famous. She took something terrible and turned it into gold now whether you like Kim Kardashian or not is irrelevant it’s the moral of the story things are gonna happen in life , unfair, unjust, unbelievable but they don’t have to destroy you. You get to decide how you’re gonna respond to any given situation instead of being your kryptonite it can be your superpower.
Let me know what you think.
1 Heart
First of all, I just want to say thank you for sharing your story. I am sure it was difficult to think about those moments again. Your strength is inspiring.
I love that you bring up Kim K actually. I am a fan of hers and was thinking of this myself when this first started happening. It’s a positive twist on a horrific story I like it!
Update as of today, 7/3- The police came to my house today to get more information on my case. I’m happy to see that they’re taking it seriously. Having someone stalk you feels like you are constantly looking out for danger. Your support and story is more helpful than you know. Dealing with something so awful is very isolating. Thank you for supporting a fellow stranger and (I assume) woman. It means a lot more than you know and gives me hope for humanity!
1 Heart