Ten ED-free things

At my therapy session last night, my therapist and I talked about separating Chelsea from ED, and it was really helpful to me. I think I get so caught up in my eating disorder that I even forget who I really am. I was also thinking that I don't know a lot about some of you that isn't related to ED. I know there have been posts on here before that talked about who we are, but I thought it might be fun to do again. So here's ten things about me. Feel free to post ten things about you too :)
1. I LOVE to write. It's a huge passion of mine. I enjoy poetry and short stories, but I also love writing articles and essays too.
2. I am in school to be a marriage and family therapist and work at an internship that helps families referred by the Department of Youth and Children Services. I absolutely love being a therapist and my internship has been amazing.
3. I've been married for six months to a wonderful guy named Karl. He's stuck with me through a lot of rough times and I can't imagine a better guy for me.
4. I drive a Volkswagen Bug, which I am absolutely obsessed with.
5. I have three nephews and two nieces, who I am very close to.
6. I'm a big geek. I try to read a journal article every day, ranging from topics like evolutionary psychology to politics. Kind of weird, I know!
7. I love music! I have a very eclectic taste too.
8. I don't drink alcohol at all, and I'm not big into partying.
9. My faith is very important to me. I grew up really religious and that's something I want to carry with me.
10. I love the TV show Friends, I'm pretty obsessed with it.

Your turn now!

These are really awesome! Glad you found something that is helpful for you! :) Here are mine.....
1.I love swimming, and i'm really good at it too.
2.I have an amazing boyfriend who has been by my side this whole time.
3.I'm obsessed with the Harry Potter movies. Have a Harry Potter marathon once a month.
4.I love hiking. It makes me feel refreshed and closer to the earth.
5.I do really well in school.
6.I love traveling- huge passion of mine!
7.I have the greatest friends ever. They are always there for me.
8.I have an obsession with dancing.
9.Favorite show ever is Pretty Little Liars.
10.I love writing poetry.

1. I have 3 dogs, all chihuahuas.
2. I am terrified of thunder/lightning
3. I've dated 2 police officers in the past and am now dating a professional cook
4. I hate the cold
5. I dream one day of leaving the beauty industry and becoming involved in helping those with ed's heal/recover.
6. I love to read fiction/suspense/mystory novels
7. Purple is my favourite colour
8. My birthday is Jan 10 (I'm accepting gifts now :p ) lol
9. My eyes change colour from brownish/yellow to green depending what I'm wearing or what emoitions I'm experiencing
10. I'm obsessed with beauty products/mk up/nail polish and am a recovering Coach handbag addict lol

hahhahaha cool, chelsea, i love these:

1. ok, you already know i love to read and write and poetry and literature. im obsessed with words and what they mean. like you i love writing in every form: short stories, essays, poetry, fiction, novles, etc...

2.i love music and singing and dancing . i love that i can forget everything when i listen to music.

3. i love hot apple cider !!LOL!

4. like you im obsessed with the t.v. show Friends...hehehe one of the few shows i actually watch on t.v. i dont like t.v. though.

5. i love nature and the outdoors and sunshine and parks and meadows,etc.... it makes me forget all my troubles.i simply love the sun shining on a cold, crisp, winter day.

6. i LOVE the color PINK! i am PINK obsessed!!!!hmmm im even wearing pink now!LOL!

7. i love cake and ice cream( no matter what ED tells me LOL!)

8.i want to be a writer one day.

9. my eyes are green/ hazel . sort of a mixture of green, grey and orangy brown....
yes they change colors depending on mood...

10. i turned 34 this october!