Hi all - today has been a great day - and yet my thoughts about ED are loud. Loud and prominent.
I started zoloft 4 days ago - a pediatric dose. I am not sleeping well - and feeling nausoues and strange. And now they want me to take Ativan to sleep. How can this be good/right? Taking more meds? I don't feel comfortable with this approach and I am struggling. I want my mind (Ed thoughts) to quiet - but I don't like these ramifications and am really considering going without. I believe I can do it - without the meds. To train my mind rather than numb it. I am told the side effects will likely pass - but I find it troubling to go through this period --- adding more crap onto an already abused/healing body.
I am also having very big self-hate thoughts - thoughts that were absent before. Or much quieter. I again, feel like the fattest person in the room - and find myself dreaming of Ed and wanting him back. I find myself lured with the concept of 'thin' - and even the reality of what that meant, the ramifications, aren't logical enough today. I am writing b/c I am struggling. I am struggling to stay on my course. I am the alcholic standing outside the bar. I am the gambler in the casino - with a blank look. I am the spender with a credit card. I am compulsive and I want to go backwards - but something is pulling me forward. Forward to this site - to somtehing stronger instead of weaker. I don't like it. I am not having fun. I want freedom. I want freedom from these thoughts. i want not to be faced with those I perceive as thinner or more perfect than me. how fucked up is that? I look at myself and see flaws. When will I learn what self-love is? I need to feel like I am okay. Like this will be okay. And in my mind I know it will be - I feel completely worn down and worn out. I want my thin legs back. My breasts that didn't need a bra. And yet - I was so sick that I couldn't move. What a fucking dicotomy. How can we 'want' something so sick - so much. I sit here - writing ot you - listening to my daughter play and watching my husband read - and I know I can't go backwards - I have too much. But god - this road is tough. So fucking tough that sometimes i feel like I am running the 365 marathon - and jsut need a break. Water anyone?