I was searching through the website to find a support group that might help me. I am not a cancer patient but my father is. Through all the sicknesses and treatments my father has had to endure I have not found anyone that can fully understand the demands put on the family of cancer patients.
My name is Cheryl, a couple of years ago my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He underwent treatments that helped him become a survivor of that. Now he has been diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma, a cancer in the kidney. Once again I find my world being turned upside down. I know that I am not the only person out there who knows what it is like to have the world on their shoulders. We can focus so much on their well being and wanting them to be ok we loose ouselves completely. I don't want us to forget the people in our lives that are going through more than we can ever imagine but I need help to find myself again. I know someone undestands what I see everyday and I hope that maybe together we can find peace.
My father is my world and I pray that God's will, may be, in my favor. They are not alone and we are not either.
One thing that I've learned is that God's will is always in our favor even if at the time we dont feel as though it is. It might take several years for us to realize it. It's very good that you're aware of the fact that you can easily lose yourself while seing a loved one suffer. The one thing I've learned is that they never want us to give up on ourselves. we fight and we fight for them, and if put a little bit of that hope and strength into ourselves, we'll come out on top, no matter what happens. I always said that i buried a major part of me when I buried my mother after her battle with brain cancer... I see now that while she was sick i thought she expected me not to care about her, always trying to get me to stay connected with my friends, continue going to school, get out of the house and have my own time, but what she was REALLY trying to do was make sure i still cared about me. we can't control whats going to happen to our loved ones, but we can do is let them know that we'll be okay, even if they leave us because they definately are affected worrying whether or not we'll lose ourselves.
God Bless
Wish you all the best we will pray that you remain strong for your father, ask God to help you through each day hugs
I see this post is quite old but I felt compelled to write. I have been taking care of my mother with RCC for over 5 years now. I truly believe she has beaten the odds because of the care and support our family has given her. There are times where being the "care giver" or even just having to watch someone youre close to go thru such hell takes its toll. However what I have noticed is that through this battle....the ups and the downs...my mothers fight has taught me a lot about her and myself. Mainly I have found out that we're both a lot stronger than I ever thought possible. To be the patient or to be the caregiver are 2 totally different sides of the fence...but the one thing in common is strength. All I can offer as advice is to take care of yourself as best you can. What youre doing by taking care of your loved one is one of the greatest blessings you will ever receive in life. Stop looking at it as a job....find the good in it. See the good ways it has changed you. With all the hell Ive seen my dear mother endure....I wouldn't want anyone else to take care of her. Keep your head up...theres always sunshine behind the clouds