This is my last day today as a 19 year old

Going have to say goodbye to my teenage self. I didn’t have these best years of my life and, thankfully, I’m turning 20 tomorrow. Let’s see what this new life of mine will give me.

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As I recall, things don’t usually change overnight, but “coming of age” is always a big step! Hoping you enjoyed the day.

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Congratulations! Do you have a vision of what you would like this next chapter of your life to look like? Please share! Writing out your dreams and aspirations and sharing them with trusted others is such a powerful way to direct your course!

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Things that I’ve been looking forward to are visiting France, the City of Love - Paris. I know this city is filled with many garbage and usually hear from people that native French are snobby and arrogant, and always complaining and rude, but I’ll just see how this goes. I want to pursue acting career, if there’s still chances of enrolling to any theatre institute, then that’s wonderful. I still have yet to look for a job, but my parents want me to work anywhere where I’m not expected to work fast and get tired afterwards (everytime I hear it, it sickens me - I atleast want to work without any expectations.)

I think you will love France! The people are lovely and the city is beautiful and the food delicious!!!

There is a theatre house in the town where I live that holds free training in acting and all things theatre. You should see if there is something like that where you live.

What an adventure!!!

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