This is the first time I’ve done anything like this. I’v

This is the first time I’ve done anything like this. I’ve never sought out help for any of the massively traumatic issues if my past. However, over the last few years, I’ve developed the WORST Adult acne I ever could have imagined. Today, I’m finally at a breaking point

I hope you can get professional help as well. Change your pillowcase every other night turn your pillow on the other side the second night then put a clean one on, will that one thing make it go away probably not but if you use several methods all the time that will make a big difference. You really should see a dr for it to get rx medicine. A dermatologist is best but if you can't do that then see a family Dr. Try calamine lotion at night on a few spots see what that does. Yea tree oil helps too because it's an antiseptic but won't dry your skin so Google that ok.

1 Heart

@Littleturtle1000 I meant to spell tea tree oil.