This morning I woke up to him complaining about the dogs wen

This morning I woke up to him complaining about the dogs went to the bathroom in the living room. How he's sick of it to get up and clean it cause he's done . how I don't walk them like I said I would. How he never wanted dogs and I don't care for them. Then to complain about the pot that was left on the stove soaking overnight turned into a sick full of dirty dishes . one pot. He's sick of living like this.. He didn't however see that the dogs were in their crate before he went to bed either. Or clean the pot before he went to bed. Telling our son to take out the garbage as he walks out empty handed. It must be so frustrating for him to live his life constantly barking at people for what they do or don't do.. But can't talk to himself.. I can sleep at night peacefully knowing that I will never stoop to his level.

Hugs and support to you, I am sorry you are dealing with his complaints like this. We are here for you!

@Aura82 thanks, sad part is its my normal

Ysorru your going through this- have you thought about leaving..narcs get worse

@northernbayfree would u consider this narc behavior?