Today Mom called me this morning to tell me there is one whi

Today Mom called me this morning to tell me there is one white pill (I am thinking it is her Metroprolol) she has been taking that one for years now. But the other day when they gave it to her it burned her throat because she was also battling a cold. So she tells me this morning she is not taking it anymore. The nurse told her she would have to call me, and I am waiting to hear from them at this point.

1 Heart

My mom took her life before her Alzheimers really kicked in but my husband's mother made a game of her cognitive decline. She was very crafty about what she could remember and what she didn't want to. My friend's mother is the same. All 3 are/were narcs and expert manipulators at playing the "poor me" card. My husband is finally over the guilt from not being the Perfect Son in her eyes, 10 years after her death.

1 Heart

@SuchisSamsara WOW, see other people really do have it worse. My mom thankfully is not a narc. She is one of the sweetest people always thinking of others before herself. My narc husband has not noticed the decline. Can we say obliviously? I am still feeling the anger from my narc experiences. But I am getting better everyday. I am so done. My mother is the priority right now. I don’t know how much time she has left. I think physically she is pretty good. She doesn’t walk all that great. But she does still take her walks through the halls there. The husband and his rotten daughter were the first narcs I encountered. I recognized the narc in his daughter right away, but as I said in another post; I never knew it was a condition. I just thought of it as a description of someone who overly loves themselves instead of others.