This is such a great article that discusses the pros and cons of Online Dating versus Traditional Dating;
"Dating, nothing in this world is as difficult and heart-wrenching, and yet as wonderful as finding someone to spend your days and nights with. It’s so strange how throughout our lives we are walking to and fro looking for that special someone. You never know where you might meet him or her, perhaps this person is friends with one of your friends, or maybe even you’ll meet your next relationship while at the bar. However, as the years continue, there is becoming a lack of people going to the bar to find their next “loves” and are moving to a more digital form of dating. Going online to find your soul mate has become commonplace among our society now. And when I read the article “Five Benefits to Dating Online,” I was immediately intrigued by the statements that the author set forth, however, I definitely have several more to add to the list.
I remember when online dating was first beginning to hit its peak, it was still quite a taboo. It was almost a sense of embarrassment to inform your friends and family that you met your newest relationship through the telephone wires. However, nowadays the stigma of going online to find your love has pretty much disappeared, and now, it is almost praised when you find someone through the Internet. With literally hundreds of dating and relationship sites out there, the promoting of this new type of “cruising” is being peddled around like flowers. However, is this really a great way to meet your next relationship? Are there any ramifications for meeting your lover online? ..."