Trigger- I want to die, the flashbacks are just too much! I live in a facility so they won't let me kill myself but I just feel really lousy!
I have been looking for a facility that wont take my stuff. Is there a facility near florida?
@Dolo235 It’s actually a facility for people with developmental disabilities since I’m autistic. I don’t know if a psychiatric facility would be more restrictive. I’m sure there are facilities in Florida, just don’t know much about them.
@Dolo235 Where I am is more long term housing as opposed to emergency care. Since you have a disability maybe you want to see if the state of Florida has some disability services they can set you up with.
@Dolo235 Oh good! Stinks your doctors aren’t there for you.
I'm sorry you are feeling so lousy. Thinking about killing yourself might be making you feel worse in the short term. Could you consider trying to think of even one thing to be thankful for? Maybe that you can walk on your own two feet or that you can take deep breaths to try to calm your nerves. Even just shifting your thinking on one thing to focus on that is positive may really help to shift your focus just a little bit. I understand how you could think that being gone could be better, I've thought that myself of my situations in life. What I've found is that is most likely is temporary and me being around a little longer really is worth it as I can process through another day of figuring life out and trying to make a difference. I hope you feel better really soon and can mental imagery brighter, happier days to come for you. You do matter! You are wanted, you are not alone.
@RoseyViolet Thank you, I will try!