Trigger warning . . . Life isn't worth it. I wish I wa

Trigger warning
Life isn't worth it. I wish I was never born.

I understand and do feel for you. I too have had days like that. You are here. I believe there is a purpose for your life.

4 Hearts

trust me, i’ve had countless days and sleepless nights where i feel and think that way. you aren’t alone. thank you for sharing this with us. we are here for you.

4 Hearts

@Jordan5683 Hey Jordan, Sorry you are feeling this way, Life is a bumpy road, There are many pot holes along life’s journey. I have supported you if you would like to chat sometime.

4 Hearts

Hey buddy Jordan. Don't worry man. Things will get better, keep the faith

5 Hearts

Believe me, there have been numerous times when I felt like I could not handle it, but I still breathe.

6 Hearts

@KidDJ One day at a time, right? That’s the only way sometimes.

1 Heart

I kno ur getting a lot of people saying they've been there n understand but..... n it's true, we have all been there, n we all found this site, right, so you know we all got you, n you have our support. I have more days than not, that I'd put my life on the fact that it's not worth it. This life is just not it. I'm 34, I have an almost 15yr old son, n I've been mentally at a point where I've convinced myself enough that I could just disappear n know I left him in good hands, but that's not leaving him in good hands. Regardless what we think, we do make a difference. At least one person min. Would be affected by our absence. Someone would miss you!!!! It's always too late by the time people or things decide to change, but it doesn't always have to be. That doesn't have to be how your story ends. There's a semi colon for a reason, for a pause, then continuance. The period is NOT where your story ends. You can always reach out to any of us, I'm sure, n we'll be right here for you. Keep your head up hunni.

8 Hearts

I'm so sorry you're feeling that way, Jordan. Please don't be hard on yourself. Keep up your head high and fight your odds. I'm sure things will workout for you. Sending hugs & prayers your way.

5 Hearts

This is a normal reaction to horrible people or situations you've unfortunately experienced. It makes a big difference, to move away from the people who make you feel like you aren't "good enough" in some way, and remembering that small actions, towards building the life you WANT, make a really big difference. Showing yourself you matter, by being kind to yourself, by being that example in your life and reminder that you deserve love, by giving it to yourself even if no one else does. BE the love you want, to YOURSELF. You dont have to earn love. You show yourself you are important by standing up for yourself, by CHOOSING to do things that make YOU feel good. Examples might be, taking a class in something you always wanted ti learn, signing up for tap dancing lessons, taking yourself out for coffee and a good book, taking up space, watching cute squirrels if you dont have a pet, you are just the same as the natural world. You are free, and you have to fight for it.

2 Hearts