Unemployment Anxiety Attacks

I have now been out of work for 9 months. Recently I've been having what feels like it must be some type of anxiety attack. I've never had anything like this before but I suddenly feel like I can't breathe or move, get extremely nauseous and feel like my throat is closing.
Ironically it seems to have increased more as I'm getting a few more interviews. I went on a 2nd interview this week and am absolutely losing my mind with anxiety waiting to hear back next week. I don't know how to manage this feeling- but it is immobilizing me. Has anyone experienced this? How do you cope?

Sounds like anxiety/panic attacks most likely. The fear of returning to work could be it? You could always speak to your doctor about anti-anxiety meds or if you would perfer to go the more natural route try to find a quiet place before your interviews and meditate for a bit.

Thanks Gina. I know that I really really want this job so that probably is a part. I don't have a dr. though- went away with the insurance I can't afford anymore :( But I think the quiet place idea is a good one.

have you tried taking a yoga class at your city’s rec center. Sometimes they are offered free. If you are a member of a church, talk to your pastor. They are trained in handling personal problems and can be of great comfort. I personally have found yoga a great help when have ‘a bad day’. If there is a used video store or Half Price Books in your area, check them out to see if they have dvds of ‘calming yoga’ or ‘strength yoga’ both of which will help you feel mentally and physically stronger.
I used to feel so awful right before an interview that I thought I’d just pass out! I’d actually have to find a restroom and put my head between my knees and concentrate on counting the tiles on the floor!!! A friend helped my anxiety by reminding me not to hinge all my hopes on this current interview, to see the interview as simply a bead on a necklace full of beads (opportunities). Go in, smile, talk, shake hands, leave, look for another interview, repeat. See it as a multi=section process, not a single chance. It sure helped me relax to be thinking about who to contact when I got home. Also, feel free to interview the interviewer. Ask them about other opportunities they may know about that would help you should they not choose you for employment. Do follow up on their leads and do send a thank you for the interview (hand written-not email) plus any leads they gave you. If you get a job through one of the leads, be sure and send another ‘thank you’–written–to the person who gave you the contacts.
I hope this will be of some help. I feel like I’m an expert on interviewing–having tried for 9 months to find a design job at 60. Do keep us in the loop and let us know what is helping you feel better. It can help the next person suffering.

Just take some deep, cleansing breaths and walk in confidentally :)

It is a normal reaction because you have been under a lot of pressure to find a job.
Everyone has experience this one way or another, it stem from that voice internally keep saying,"You have to get this job."or" I got this job"
I have had worse not to mention here that I utterly do not care if I got the job or not.
I just went for the sake of going or trying to find a job.

The problem is not yours keep that in mind; It's the companies by no fault of their own is put at odds with hiring people.
They are just trying to find quality people for a position knowing that there are a lot of people competing for that one job.Your natural reaction for being out for a spelled is to be "anxious" because there's a lot of people than they want to admit is without a job.
Bills does not care if you have money to pay or not its just there and keep coming.