Unwanted thoughts

Sometimes, specially when im trying to sleep but im not sleepy for it, my mind wanders to the dark, and thinks of awful things involving heavy topics, such as rape, i can barely pronounce, read or write it. It is my biggest fear in the world to happen to me and my loved ones, yet sometimes my head thinks about it, situations that could happen and how i would get over them, its awful and hard to stop, even when i try to think of something else, is like my head doesnt allow me to, anyone has something similar? Knows how to deal with it, besides the obvious?

You’ve gone through that? It’s okay if you don’t want to answer, whether yes, or no - it’s up to you.

I havent gone through heavy stuff, i was molested as a child by my grandmas boyfriend at the time

I’m sorry that you had to go through. Are you currently experiencing a PTSD episode at the moment? I don’t know your full story and so on, but please explain more on how we can actually help you.

No, i dont think i am experiencing a ptsd episode, i just saw on social media and the news about the topic and my rage appeard, event got to write a song about it, obvs not finished

I see.

Im so sorry you had to endure such trauma. I can relate in many ways, I believe we can heal from these things but unfortunately they are a part of us. I don’t sleep much either i turn on something to distract me on tv til im so tired its been the only thing I can do because my mind never shuts off either. Have you ever gone to counseling to cope with those issues?
I pray it gets easier for you to rest.
I recently started trying to listen to meditation stuff they have some good YouTube videos that teach relaxation techniques. I hope something helps. Huggs

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