Using marijuana early in life linked to brain problems later

a good study shows that the earlier kids use marijuana the bigger the brain problems later on in life:

"Early use of marijuana maybe more harmful than previously realized. According to new research, early users of marijuana may face cognitive difficulties compared to those who start using marijuana later in life or not at all.

Specifically, young adults who being smoking marijuana prior to the age of 16 performed worse on cognitive testing when compared to those who’ve never smoked marijuana before or those who starting smoking after the age of 16 says researcher Staci Ann Gruber, PhD, of Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital, Boston. Findings from Dr. Gruber’s research was presented on Monday at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in San Diego.

Though previous studies have found that early marijuana use can lead to cognitive problems, this is the first study to compare early users to late users. Gruber also noted, ”Early-onset smokers smoked twice as often and nearly three times as much.”"

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Yes, there is research to back up early use and brain problems. There is also plenty of research about the positives of marijuana so I hope that you don't think because of this study marijuana is harmful. Also the study researched kids under the age of 15. If a child is smoking marijuana at that young of an age there most likely are a lot bigger problems in their life that lead to later impulsivity as suggested by the study.