I usually don't create a discussion for personal reasons but I just need to tonight, this might be a dumb question but can anyone explain the difference between alone and lonely, and then also what lonely means I don't know the difference between the 2 words and I really don't know what lonely means I think I may feel lonely but I am not sure cuz I don't fully understand what it means. And actually another word that I really don't know what it means is hopeless, so also can someone explain to me what that means also. I am just so confused on how I feel, and I just don't even understand what some words mean and so it's hard to know and say how I feel when I don't even understand the meaning of those words.
lonely: affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone; lonesome
those are the definitions from dictionary.com
what they mean to me is alone is when you are by yourself and there is no one else around..
being lonely can occur either when you are alone or with people. It is the depressed feeling that comes from feeling like you are all alone even if you are in a crowd.
I can be alone and not lonely or with people and still lonely.... i OFTEN feel lonely in a crowd if it is not people I am comfortable with or know well
Hopeless: by definition it means providing no hope; beyond optimism or hope; desperate
to me hopeless is the feeling you get when you are positive that nothing is going to go right or the way you feel it should. when there is nothing anyone including yourself can do to make something right or do something right. When you are just positive that there is no way to accomplish something. sometimes i think it is a feeling of being defeating and giving up believing in what ever it is you want to believe in.
Not sure if any of what i wrote helped or is even accurate.. just my opinion of what those words mean.
A lot of times i find i can't put a word to how i feel cause when i really stop to examine it I am feeling several things at once. That may be why you feel confused about how you feel. Sometimes one label is not enough for me.
Krisalis, thanks you so much for your post it help me understand what all of the words mean, and thanks for both dictionary meaning and your opinion to what they mean to you. Sometimes I really don't understand dictionarys meaning cuz how they word it so you telling me what those words mean to you has helped me out lots. So now I can make sense of my feelings. I feel the same way you feel sometimes, that I can't put a word to what I am feeling cuz I have many feelings at once and for me it's just also just so overwhelming feeling all these different feelings at once. So thanks again so much!
Hey princess!
you you feeling today? the more you try to describe your emotions, the better you will be able to recognize them, so keep talking to us :-)
Hey Maedi
Thank you so much for your post I am feeling ok today, I just talked to my counselor about how I have been feeling and she said things that made me feel better. Also it helps talking and expressing my feelings to you and other people on here.
would you like to share what she said to make you feel better (if it's not too personal, of course)? did she give you ideas to make you feel less lonely?
Well I actually still feel pretty lonely, but I would feel a lot more lonely if I didn't have this site. Sure I can share what she said something that made me feel less hopeless, I can't remember her exact words but she said something like I know you may feel hopeless now about self injury and that you (talking about me) can't imagine your life without self injury and the over coming may sound foreign to you now but you have been doing this for 9yrs so it will take time and also she said that the more I think and want to recover the closer I get to recovering and that every moment and every day I don't self injure is part of recovery too, but that's hard for me to see it that way right now. Also she said that talking about it is all part of recovery to. My counselor and people on here are the only ones that know, and I just told my counselor not just this last october but the october before that. That is actually why I feel so lonely is cuz other then my counselor there is no one else I trust enough to tell so she is the only one I can talk to her about that. So I still feel lonely but this site and you and the other people have definitely help me, so thanks for being there for me.
thank you princess!! i hope that you and everyone else on here will read through her statements regularly as she is completely right.
and it is important to think about the process of recovery, to remember that yes, there will be tough times, but as long as you can see and want the positive outcome, you can get through the hardships.
and yes princes, you now have us too to talk to on a daily basis so please post, email, whatever, anytime you need us!!
I know I will read through and always think her statements, I know and agree that she is right and I also hope that everyone else will read through her statements on here. Something I realized is that I need to know and look at me recovering is a process and it will take take time and that it's not something that will just happen over night but that's what makes me feel hopeless cuz the process to recovery takes so long, but also like my counselor said I have been self injuring for 9 yrs. So to recover it will be a process, cuz self injury has been such a part of me and my life. But that's why I have a counselor and supporters on here cuz that help lots. I have been thinking about the process, but it's really hard for me to be positive so I will need support and help on helping me see and being positive. As I said before I am so glad to be on this site and have you and others for help and support on a daily basis and anytime like you said.
you'll always get our support here, sweetie, simply cause we all need it.nobody can be positive all the time. but we can support each other in getting there!
Yah I know nobody can be positive all the time but we are all on here to support eachother in thinking positevly as well as other things and this is a great site and I really like it I am so glad I found it.