What is wrong with me

i have been told by many people that something is wrong with me. i have a long list of problems that i won't bore you with but the ones that worry me the most include: sleepless nights, nightmares of me being stoned to death (i witnessed
it happen in iraq to a lady and her baby), i wake up (when i do sleep) sweating, my heart racing, and my body just seems like its not able to move, i hear random voices calling my name, i cant do what i used to do since i hate people
being behind me, loud noises cause me to burst into moods of anger. i know i should go see a doctor but i have to go to a Veterans Affair Therapist and all they seem to want to do is give me meds. that is the last thing i want. i am hoping i can fix this without meds. but i dont know what this is. i was thinking depression but im not really sad. im usually a happy person. until these things go wrong. i used to go to a therapist and she told me that it is not PTSD, however the symptoms i believe fit. the VA denied my claim and now im stuck. they said that i was going through a mild depression due to just getting out of the Marine Corps and not being able to get back into civilian life. what should i do??

Have you tried to go to the Mental Health and Retardion clinic. This is a government funded clinic that help people with mental issues. You have been thu a lot, and I would think it would be normal to go thu this process. You really need to try to seek help before it gets out of hand. This is not the time to give up. Hang in there and continue to look for a relief

Was witnessing the stoning particularly traumatic, or was your entire time of service a series of traumatic events?

I am sorry you are having all these troubles. I don't know much about PTSD.

I wish you luck in trying to solve your issues. I hope the time can heal this wound as well.

the stoning was just a one time traumatic event. i worked in the chow hall cooking the food, not in harms way. then all of a sudden another unit needed help and it had to be females. so they took me off to nowhere ville. everything was super secret i was on a bases that "didnt exsit" i was trained to work in a prison and sometimes take the prisoners home the stoning was just that.

Csanders i will look into the place to told me about

due to the jobs i performed being top secret they were not put in my record so now the VA cant prove that i was ever anywhere other than the chow hall.

You sound like you have a classic case of PTSD.

You really do need to seek out a therapist and a psychtriast. You might need to take some meds until this clears (tappers off).

Please do not dismiss the meds. They can really help and are only temporary.

There are many places where you can get this sort of help. If you need a list of professionals, please let us know what State you live in. I'm sure one of us could post a list of groups that are available in your area.

LuvsHeadMeds i have being thinking of meds and i feel that if it is needed i will have to. and also i am from PA. philadelphia area. at this point i would be willing to pay out of pocket if need be so anything will help. thank you all

ilostmymind i think you should get help before it's too late just pray about it in the mean time most of all talk to some one as soon as possible