I've been off the site for several weeks b/c of international travel for my job (I didn't want to look at this on my work laptop).
On my trip I bought about 4 books on bulimia - (life stories, tragedies, workbooks, recovery books, etc.). I was HOPING it would give me some ammunition and incentive to stop this horrible behavior and it really hasn't.
One book even talked about a lady who abused her body so bad a large part of her INTESTINE was removed and she had to use a bag. It would SEEM that to most normal people - knowing how much we are destroying our healths/future this would stop us, right???
Unfortunately, I still found myself purging... I just wonder if it will ever end for me.
i would recommend this too when i was at my most vulnerable and susceptible then this is when i needed the most professional help. some of the time you need to start with someone first and then get lots of support from us but reaching out is the hardest part.
i have hurt myself so much when i was at my lowest and without my therapist i don't know if i could have made it out. i still see her every week faithfully. some of the time i don't want to go, some of the time i feel "healed" where i don't need to do it. that kind of thing. but i kept it up and now i know that i need to keep going all of the time.
how long have i been going? since June. How long have i been trying to find a good match for me and a therapist? since January. I guess i say this to let you know its okay to find someone, figure out if you match and then decide to go to someone else. it may be a long term relationship so its important that you trust and like who you are seeing.
good luck and be well and keep us updated.