Why Is Change So Hard?

Change is an inevitable part of life, but that doesn’t make it easy. Whether it’s adopting a healthier lifestyle, moving to a new city, ending a relationship, or starting a new job, or getting used to a new site, transitions can be emotionally challenging and mentally taxing. While many factors contribute to our resistance to change, a significant portion of it can be attributed to our mental and emotional frameworks. Here’s a dive into why change is so hard from a mental health perspective.

1. Fear of the Unknown

Our brains are hardwired to prefer stability and predictability. When faced with the unknown, the amygdala, a part of the brain involved in processing emotions, activates a defensive response. This can result in feelings of fear and anxiety, which often deter us from embracing new situations.

The site change was abrupt because the old site was failing fast, this wasn’t ideal, people prefer to be eased into change.

2. Loss Aversion

According to behavioral economics, humans tend to fear loss more than they value gain. This means the thought of losing something (even if it’s bad for us) can seem more daunting than the potential benefits of the new change. This could be why it’s so challenging to leave an unfulfilling job or end a toxic relationship.

Members were used to the old site, it was like a comfy sweatshirt that really has seen better days, so even though the new site is slick and awesome (or at least on track to be), it is normal to wish for the old one back.

3. Existing Beliefs and Cognitive Dissonance

When new information conflicts with our existing beliefs, we experience cognitive dissonance. To maintain our internal equilibrium, we might avoid, discredit, or reject the new information. This phenomenon explains why people struggle to change behaviors even when they’re shown evidence that it would benefit them.

We are going to continue to dazzle you with all the great things about our site, but you guys are free to complain and get things off your chest. We have figured out many different ways to improve our site by reading your honest posts.

4. Habitual Patterns

Repetitive behaviors form neural pathways in our brains, making those behaviors feel natural and easy over time. Even when we know a certain habit isn’t beneficial, breaking it requires effort, as we’re essentially rewiring our brain. The longer we’ve had a habit, the tougher it is to change.

You knew with your eyes closed how to use the old site, the new site can seem daunting, but we promise, it isn’t that complicated to use and we will continue to add posts on how to use the site with infographics for clarity.

5. Social Pressure and Expectations

Humans are inherently social creatures, and we often fear being ostracized or judged negatively by our peer group. Adopting changes that go against societal norms or family expectations can result in feelings of isolation, making the prospect of change daunting.

Members come here to find their tribe, we will continue to build an amazing community.

6. Perceived Effort and Overwhelm

The mental projection of the effort involved in change can be overwhelming. If someone feels they don’t have the resources, time, or energy to handle the change, they are more likely to avoid it, even if it’s beneficial in the long run.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being amazing supporters, we are listening to what you want out of our site and we are going to continue working to earn your trust. You are the reason behind what we do. Let’s spread support and kindness like glitter in a preschool art class!

Happy Halloween,


5 Hearts

We hope you are all enjoying our blogs, if you have anything you would like us to write about, please let us know. -SG

I see what you did here SG