I am new to this and it is realy upsetting... Not sure if this is the right place for me, but I am desperate for help. Online reading makes my head spin faster than life does... please, if there is anyone out there who knows of a support group or a good psychiatrist/psychologist that can help me out - I could sure use it. Thanks.
I understand how reading online can be tiresome but it can help to try & find different answers/options to your questions, theres a whole list of them here which is good, BPD is a rough one always trying to hit the next rung so to speak (my husband of 19yrs has BPD alone w/a list more disorders, Have you looked on this site to find somewhere to start? At the top of the page there is a spot "Find Treatment" along w/others here that can probably help you. Bluidkiti would have something to go on I'm sure or Domestic.
I know that sometimes it is hard to take in or accept all the information you find online, but if you look on the good sites it really can help you understand more about yourself and that there are so many others just the same as us. Im new to this site but not to BPD and Im finding this support group extremely helpful to let off steam to share your problems and to help others. You must approach your gp and maybe get some meds if your not already on any and be referred to your mental health team and hopefully some support or therapy to help you would follow.
My thoughts are with you and keep writing if you can we are all here for you xx
Some good sites if you want to have a look -