Hey Hopeful,
I'm so sori about your cat, that must have been a tough decision to make. I never pegged myself as such an animal lover until this dog came into our lives...she's so loveable...we got her from the rescue pound, so I would recommend anyone to make a home for these creatures. She made my day already when she came bounding into the room at 7am to wake me, jumping all over me...dad lets her do that as a joke...so I took her for a long walk today.
But the other days I was down, every so often she would come in and just sit by my bed, looking sad, its just amazing how they know.
I am also mid washing the car, although it has started to rain, but I'll finish it later. I'm trying to take July's advice and do a little "to do" list. I'm going to buy a new diary and it will be hopefully be a new start.
I talked to my Mam about what is going on, and how down I've been about that guy, she knows I don't care for him, but I think that she realises now he has done a lot of damage to my self esteem and that will take work because I am still saying "what did I do to deserve this?"...I know I tried my heart out, I know I did nothing wrong, I know i had the patience of a saint and took as much punishment as anyone could take, this is something I need to get passed, it will take time to convince myself.
I've also been in contact with another guy, who wants to take me out, but I'm not ready to date yet, I'm just going to tell him that I'm not ready yet and if he would interested in maybe waiting a couple of months than great, but really now, it would go nowhere, I'm way to messed up to put anything in, even into dating...I need to work on me for a while. But i am interested in him, if he accepts that, then fantastic,(because i am interested) if not then no loss, as far as guys go I don't want no dramas at the moment.
Ya I'm glad to be going back to therapy too, to be honest, I just need to talk - out loud...and some impartial advice...and therapists can be good by not trying to block emotions and just allow you to feel your feelings instead of being like - get over it, you can do better, you're wasting your time...well they are professionalas so they "get it" more i guess. And I've a terrible issue with feeling like i'm always been judged...so I'm a blocker of my own problems too...I'll say my issues are stupid, because I had a great childhood etc, which is really only being passive about it and not tackling the issue at hand.
I hope you are having a great day...thanks for the comment...hope your kitten starts feeling better soon.
Much love to you
Moongal x